समाज पीड़ित सेवा चैरिटेबल फाउंडेशन has a commitment & sensitivity about the social responsibilities in respect of development & welfare deprived class of all categories like SC’s, ST’s OBC’s General, minorities, handicapped, street children and the less privileged section to provide the diagnostics, therapeutic rehabilitation follow up service for all above mentioned groups through network or Programme & activities.
Contact UsOur mission is to transform destitute lives by empowering them with the necessities to lead a healthy and productive life. Towards this our endeavour is to guide them to look beyond their economic limitations. Together we want to create a progressive community by imbibing in people the ability to uplift themselves and providing all means necessary for it.
Our vision is to lay down a path for the underprivileged by helping them access better quality education, providing career opportunities, and supporting healthcare leading to self-reliance.We must not just be recipients but givers! We must not just be keepers but donors! Giving brings relief and sharing enlightens the heart. Caring joins and showing love is life. It is never enough to acquire all acquisition. It is never enough to have all our ambitions. We must endeavor to give for giving out of a true heart is true love and true love is life.
We create events aiming to pear to the voice for Old Age People and gather for support.